iQ Construct Represents True Diversity in Construction
Unlike the majority of male-dominated areas, iQ Construct does not need targets because we have already reached far and beyond normal industry “targets”. For example, 42% of our workforce are women compared to 18% of the rest of the industry. We are already at an industry-leading place for gender diversity, but we want to ensure that we do not drop or lose sight of where we need to be, therefore, implementing a Gender Balance Policy will facilitate this.
The Gender Balance Policy acknowledges that we will, at any point in time, have more or less of one gender than another in different areas, but it is important to maintain a core percentage in each area.
Our Gender Balance Policy will be drafted over the coming month and will talk about maintaining a gender balance in each of the 3 areas of Executive Management, Operations and Support to ensure that we do not go below 25% of anyone gender in each area.
IWD 2021 received huge media coverage this year – this day marks an important reflection point each year on where we’ve come and where we are heading.
For more about iQ Construct’s Gender Diversity approach click here

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